You Wear It Everyday

Do you know what a good hair day is?  If you’re like many people, you know when you’re having one but might not know how to describe it.  And somehow it kind of makes everything else better.

To help my journalism students figure out their good hair day definition plus make it more in their control, I called on the experts.  Rocco Salons Technical Director William Anderson and Stylist Brian Dec came to my class at the University of Minnesota to conduct an Image Workshop.

These guys have more than 20 years of experience each in cut or color.  As several students got their mini consults, I witnessed some transformations.  My students probably didn’t even notice on how many levels their enthusiasm shined for this newfound understanding.

The hair pros got my students to internalize how important the right hair is for any kind of person’s overall look.  For these future journalists, equating professional and polished appearance with credibility hit home.  Sure, students got some basic tips such as, “Stop flat ironing,” or, “Perhaps you should pluck those eyebrows.”  But Brian and William showed by example how they change lives daily. What a remarkable reward!

So whether you need to grow it or cut it, color or let your natural hue come back, may you remember something my former anchor, Jeff Passolt, told me when I reported in Minneapolis:  “Your hair is something you wear everyday.”

So why not treat it as well or better than a favorite suit?

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