Lessons from the Depp v Heard Trial

The world seems consumed by the dueling defamation lawsuits between former spouses Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. As a crisis coach watching the testimony and thinking about how this will play out for each of them, I’m consumed with the fact that it didn’t have to get this bad. But of course, I also find lessons we can all take to our own lives.

As Amber Heard’s testimony was getting underway, Court TV asked me to share analysis after Amber Heard abruptly fired her communications team. Watch the segment here. I hope you never find yourself in the exact situation as these two movie stars. Some tips to avoid your own debacles:

1. The truth will always set you free
2. Transparency plays well with a jury and with any audience for that matter
3.  Do your homework if you decide to hire a crisis or PR team
4.  Leave drama at home
5.  Never assume your way of seeing things is the right way
6.  Understand any gaps in your narrative
7.  Prepare yourself for challenging questions from multiple stakeholders

Do you have a question for the crisis coach? Drop me a line: roshini@roshinigroup.com

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